Sports Massage is a deep massage used in the treatment of muscles, tendons and ligaments known as ‘soft tissue’. Performance athletes can require a significant amount of soft tissue massage and manipulation in order to keep them injury free and functioning at a high level. However, it is not just performance athletes who need it. In fact, almost everybody could benefit from Sports Massage. Maybe you are sitting at a desk all day and feeling really tight and stiff? Or are you in construction, over working your muscles every single day and feeling the physical strain?

As a practitioner, I have been trained to use a variety of techniques in order to tailor your massage specially to benefit you the most.

Here are some of the benefits associated with Sports Massage:

Release muscle tension:

During periods of stress on the body, your muscles can create trigger points and tension. Having regular massages can optimise your tissue pliability, which in turn can reduce injuries and improve mobility.

Support good posture:

We can all spend long periods at our desks. However, this posture can cause muscles to shorten and pull your joints into positions, which over time, can reduce function and increase chances of over-use and repetitive strain injuries. Sports Massage can help to release these muscles and is a great way to counteract the negative effect that working at a desk has on your posture.

Reduce pain:

Massage and Soft Tissue Therapy can be used alongside Physiotheray intervention to help reduce pain produced by injury. There has been a variety of research demonstrating the positive impact of massage on lower back and shoulder pain when combined with exercises and other manual therapy techniques.

Assist with recovery:

If you have trained a muscle group, then you may experience some normal degree of soreness after, known as Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). Sports Massage may help speed up recovery from this DOMS by increasing circulation to the area massaged and helping to flush out the toxins that build up during exercise. This can help improve your recovery and leave you better able to optimise your training in the following days.

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Any one can benefit from a sports massage, and it is often used in the treatment of many common issues, such as shoulder pain, back pain and leg pain.
Sports massage can be used at any stage of injury (ideally not the first 72 hours) or as a prevention of long term recurrence of musculoskeletal injuries.

Pre/Post Competition
During Competition
Injury Prevention
Injury Recovery

Your sports massage will be tailored to your individual needs following a brief assessment

Treatment prices

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